XVII Latin American Regional IAU Meeting
Montevideo, Uruguay 27th November – 1st december 2023
Centro de Conferencias de la Intendencia de Montevideo
We are pleased to announce and invite you to attend the XVII Latin American Regional IAU Meeting to be held in Montevideo, Uruguay, from November 27th to December 1st, 2023.
The XVII LARIM will take place during the spring of the southern hemisphere in Montevideo, a city rich in cultural expressions.
This meeting is targeted to professional astronomers, postdocs, postgraduate and undergraduate students pursuing a research career in Astronomy and will provide an outstanding opportunity for scientific discussion and foster new collaborations among astronomers from Latin America.
The conference will take place at the Centro de Conferencias of the Intendencia de Montevideo close to the city downtown. Montevideo offers tourist attractions, plenty of hotels and restaurants within walking distance from the Centro de Conferencias. The XVII LARIM web page will list hotels and accommodation facilities at a wide range of costs. Participants are requested to make reservations themselves. The LOC will organize a conference tour and dinner, details of which will be provided on a later date.
Looking forward to seeing you!